Testing Subtask Creation

Testing Subtask Creation

Create an automated or manual test case and then when ready to associate it with a JIRA story, take the following steps:

1. Add the JIRA parent story ticket number in the test suite Ref ID field and save:

2- Open up the test case that you want to be a subtask of the above story and click on Information tab:

Click on Create new ticket link to create a testing subtask for this test case.

At this point, the same  steps that we discussed under defect creation will be followed here as well. In addition, you can also click on the arrows previously shown on Defect Creation that will allow you to open the subtask just created in JIRA in another tab and the second will open the subtask for editing purposes inside Subject-7.


 If you do not select subtask when creating the JIRA ticket, the generated JIRA ticket will not become a subtask of the test suite Ref ID.


 After you create or update a ticket in JIRA, you will be presented with the following screen to update the status of your ticket:


If you do not want to update the status of your ticket (representing your tickets workflow), simply close this window.


If Ref ID for the test suite is populated, and a JIRA subtask is created from the test case edit page, the parent ticket will automatically get populated from the Ref ID mentioned in the suite of this test case

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