How to install Desktop commands dependencies


Desktop commands rely on 2 libraries/applications:

  1. OpenCV to detect area by image

  2. Tesseract-OCR to read text from the screen

Install OpenCV

OpenCV library itself is delivered with Subject7 executors and unpacked when it starts. Dependencies may be missed and should be installed additionally (depending on OS).


Normally, all the dependencies are delivered with Windows installation and ready from the box. If dependencies are missed, then Windows Media Foundation pack should be installed, because it was cut out from installation ISO by administrator.

Windows 10 pack download link:

For Windows Server installation can be done with Server Manager:



Install Brew packet manager if not installed:

Type next command to install OpenCV:

brew install opencv



All the dependencies are installed and ready from the box.

CentOS 7

[See special section in the end of article]

CentOS 8

All OpenCV libraries are delivered with distributive. If you have any problems, you can navigate to next folder with terminal when executor started and run ldd command to check missing libraries of

cd ~/.Sikulix/SikulixLibs ldd



No installation is required. Tesseract application with all dependencies will be unpacked on Subject 7 executor start.


Install Brew packet manager if not installed:

Type next command to install Tesseract-OCR:

brew install tesseract brew install tesseract-lang sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/tesseract /usr/local/bin/tesseract



Type next commands in terminal to add tesseract repository and install it:

CentOS 7

[See special section in the end of article]

CentOS 8

Type next commands to install Tesseract-OCR:

CentOS 7 Tesseract & OpenCV

Unfortunately, CentOS 7 has obsolete repositories. It’s LTS, but it is 2009 year OS and 3rd party software has not been updated for years. The only way to run Desktop commands there is to build required libraries and modules from sources. Special bash script is prepared to simplify process, it requires sudo.

  1. Install local player/xpoint and run it. It will create initial directories hierarchy and unpack required data for desktop testing.

  2. Download the script in attachment, make it executable and run it with sudo:

    Wait for the script script as it will take a lot of time and download many sources. Usually it’s up to 2-3 hours.

  3. Run next command to copy required library into hierarchy created by Subject 7 executor: