Asset Duplication

  1. Artifacts and functions are unique in scope of the Common project and other projects. It means that users cannot use names or keys for artifacts and functions (while creating or updating actions) that already exist in the scope of Common + current projects. In case users want to modify a function or artifact inside Common project, duplication check will be processed inside Common project + all the projects in the system.


  • Being in the current project “Project A”, a user wants to create a function with name “test_function”. System will check existing functions for duplication inside the Common project and “Project A”.

  • Being in the Common project, a user wants to create an artifact with name “test_artifact”. System will check existing functions for duplication inside the Common project and all the others project in the system.

2. Test cases, execution sets, load plans can have duplicates between projects.

3. Folders can have duplicates between projects.

4. Users being in some project cannot create assets/artifacts for other projects at the root level, just inside folders for those other projects.

For example: the current project is “Project A”, in this case users can just create assets/artifacts inside root elements or inside folders/suites that belong to the project “Project A”. Elements for the Common project users can create just inside folders of the Common project.

Function Rules

  1. Users cannot create functions inside non-common projects if Common one already has a function with the same name.

  2. Users cannot create functions inside the Common project if other projects already have functions with the same name.

  3. Users can create functions inside non-common projects if other non-common projects already have functions with the same name.


Artifact Rules

  1. Users cannot create artifacts inside non-common projects if Common one already has an artifact with the same name.

  2. Users cannot create artifacts inside the Common project if other projects already have artifacts with the same name.

  3. Users can create artifacts inside non-common projects if other non-common projects already have functions with the same name.

Test Case Rules

  1.  Users can create test cases inside the Common project if other projects already have test cases with the same name.

  2. Users can create test cases inside non-common projects if Common one already has an test case with the same name.

  3. Users can create test cases inside non-common projects if other non-common projects already have test cases with the same name.

Execution Sets Rules

  1. Users can create execution sets inside the Common project if other projects already have execution sets with the same name.

  2. Users can create execution sets inside non-common projects if Common one already has an execution set with the same name.

  3. Users can create execution sets inside non-common projects if other non-common projects already have execution sets with the same name.

Load Tests Rules

  1. Users can create load plans inside the Common project if other projects already have load plans with the same name.

  2. Users can create load plans inside non-common projects if Common one already has an load plan with the same name.

  3. Users can create load plans inside non-common projects if other non-common projects already have load plans with the same name.

Folder Rules

  1. Users can create any folder inside the Common project if other projects already have folders with the same name.

  2. Users can create any folder inside non-common projects if Common one already has an folder with the same name.

  3. Users can create any folder inside non-common projects if other non-common projects already have folders with the same name.