14. Xray Integration

Subject7 supports Xray integration by connecting the platform to Xray and syncing Xray test case executions to Subject7 test case executions.

In order to integrate, please follow these steps:

  1. Hover over Administration menu and click Project Management

  2. Click Integrations tab. You will see the following options:

  3. On Xray, navigate to Apps > Manage your Apps

  4. Click API Keys from the left panel

  5. Click Create API Key

  6. Enter the username and click Generate

  7. The Client ID and Client Secret will generate. Copy each of them

  8. Back on the platform, click Enabled to allow using the input boxes and paste the Client ID and Client Secret. Once finished, click Save

  9. Navigate to the Subject7 test case you would like to link to an Xray test case and click Integrations link. The following window will appear:

  10. Enter the XRay Test Case Ticket Key and Test Plan Ticket Key in the fields and click Save. For example, here are some ticket keys as shown in Kanban Board:

  11. Click Save to save your test case

  12. Your executions will now be synced with XRray if you run the test case in the cloud (either independently or through an execution set). Afterwards, a test execution will be created on XRay to indicate one of the below statuses:

    1. Subject7: Queued - Xray: ToDo

    2. Subject7: In execution - Xray: Executing

    3. Subject7: Completed/Failed - Xray: Failed

    4. Subject7: Completed/Passed - Xray: Passed

  13. To see the result of the execution, click Test Runs button on the XRay test case

  14. If you used datasets in Subject7, they will be displayed by clicking Dataset icon in the Xray test execution

  15. In order to see the execution details generated by the platform, click on the View Execution button

  16. You will see the execution video, the logs and images (in case of failures) added in the Comment section