Account Preferences

The Account Preferences menu is only available for admins and allows you to change the options below for all users under the same account.

General Preferences


1- MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication): Admin of the account can change the login of Subject7 to 2-phase via Google Authenticator. An admin also has the capability to reset 2FA for their users. Click for more information on how to set this up.

2- VM Capacity: Sets the maximum allowed users per virtual machine in Load Testing. For example, if you use 10 for VM Capacity and your Test Plan has 20 virtual users, your test plan will run the initial 10 threads and the next 10 threads will run afterwards. This is only available for admins with a Load Testing license.

3- Enable Auto Scrolling: Allows scroll highlighting for elements during execution of local and cloud runs. This can also be enabled/disabled per test case level using Auto_Scrolling command.

4- Upload file size limit (MB): Allows setting a limit for file size upload in File Uploads artifact.

5- Table rows limit: Allows setting maximum row limit for usage with Set_List command.

6- Table columns limit: Allows setting maximum column limit for usage with Set_List command.

7- Use Custom Date Format: If you would like to have a custom date/time format for variables @test_case_execution_start_date_time or @test_case_execution_end_date_time, you can enter a custom format as below:

For example, yyyy-MM-dd'T' will generate: 2020-10-06T09:43:26.4326 where the T is constant.

Refer to page for more information about callbacks.

8- Maintenance Mode: Admins can use this option to lock an account to make global changes to it and then unlock it. One an account is in maintenance mode, the users will be logged out and cannot log in until the account is unlocked by the admin.

9- JavaScript Fallback: Click command uses Selenium driver by default which may fail to click if an element is partially concealed by another element. Enabling this option will activate a JavaScript click which will work instead of Selenium click so that the element gets clicked even if concealed.


The timeout tab offers admins the ability to set limits so that the users in the account cannot override these limits in User Preferences menu, Execution Sets or Load Tests. For example, if the admin sets Locator Timeout to 5 seconds in this menu and the user has 30 seconds in his/her User Preferences menu, then the step will fail during the user’s execution’s if the locator takes longer than 5 seconds to be present.


1- Step Timeout (s): Controls how long the step will take to execute and if it exceeds the determined value, it will go into Error state. The default value is 0. For example, if a Fill step requires 5 minutes to complete while the step timeout is set to 120 seconds, the step will fail and show the error below (120,000ms = 120 seconds)

2- Page Timeout (s): Allows setting a maximum value for page timeouts in seconds that users cannot override in their User Preferences menu. For example, if the admin has set the maximum timeout to 5 seconds and a user tries to set 10 seconds, the user will get an error

3- Locator Timeout (s): Allows setting a maximum value for locator timeouts in seconds that users cannot override in their User Preferences menu, Execution Sets or Load Tests.

  • For example, if a user tries to use 10 seconds in User Preferences while the admin only allows 5 seconds, they will get error and cannot save User Preferences until they use a number less or equal to 5 seconds.

  • For example, if a user tries to use 10 seconds in Execution Sets while the admin only allows 5 seconds, it will still be saved but will display a warning that the admin set limit will be used instead of the limit the user has set.

  • For example, if a user tries to use 10 seconds in Load Sets while the admin only allows 5 seconds, it will still be saved but will display a warning that the admin set limit will be used instead of the limit the user has set.

4- Execution Speed (ms): Allows setting a maximum execution speed for local/cloud runs or execution sets and load tests in milliseconds. Users cannot override this speed in their User Preferences menu, Execution Sets or Load Tests.

  • For example, if a user tries to use 1200 seconds as execution speed while the admin only allows up to 1000, the execution set will still be saved, but will display a warning as below. In this case, the limit set by the admin will be used instead.

5- Ramp up time Load (s): Allows setting a maximum ramp up time for load testing in seconds. Users cannot override this ramp up time limit in their Load Test Plan and if they set a higher value, the Test Plan will still save but the maximum limit set by the admin will be used.

6- Period (Load) (s): Allows setting a maximum run period limit for load testing in seconds. Users cannot override this run period limit in their Load Test Plan and if they set a higher value, the Test Plan will still save but the maximum limit set by the admin will be used.

7- Wait Command (s): Allows setting a maximum wait period in seconds. Users cannot override this limit in their Wait step and if they set a higher number, the Wait step will execute until the limit set by the admin is reached.

  • For example, if a user tries to use Wait step with 120 seconds while the admin only allows up to 60 seconds, the step will still execute, but only until 60 seconds is reached.

8- Verify Command Attempts: Allows setting a maximum limit for attempts in Verify commands. Users cannot override this limit in any of their Verify steps and if they set a higher number, verification will be done until the limit set by the admin is reached.

  • For example, if a user tries to use Verify_Element command with 10 attempts while the admin only allows up to 5 attempts, the step will still execute, but only until 5 attempts are reached and the displayed message will contain the below:

9- Verify Command Intervals (s): Allows setting a maximum limit for intervals in seconds in Verify commands. Users cannot override this limit in any of their Verify steps and if they set a higher number, verification will be done until the limit set by the admin is reached.

  • For example, if a user tries to use Verify_Element command with 10s interval while the admin only allows up to 5s interval, the step will still execute, but only until 5s interval is reached and the displayed message will contain the below:

10- Session Timeout (s): Controls how long Subject7 session remains active before it automatically ends. The default value is 0 = (3600 seconds) and if changed to a negative value, the session will never timeout. In order for newly changed session timeouts to take place, the user must log out and log back in.

11- Rotations limit: Controls how many rotations a user is allowed to use while creating an execution set. The default is 10 rotations.


Authentication Providers

This tab allows switching between authentication options below. In order to switch between the options, the user must activate maintenance mode (using the lock icon on the right side) which will kick all users out of their sessions.

  1. BASIC (Subject7 Username and Password)

  2. LDAP

  3. SAML

For instructions on how to set up LDAP or SAML SSO, please refer to