Description: This command executes a statement using a query or several statements using a file without returning any value.

Usage Scenario: Suppose we want to create a new table named "users" in our PostgreSQL database.

Procedure: Define a query that creates a table using values from variables such as below:

CREATE TABLE @table_name ( @field1 integer NOT NULL, @field2 text NOT NULL, @field3 text, @field4 text, @field5 text, @field6 boolean );

Define your variables in your steps which will be: @table_name, @id, @username, @firstname, @lastname, @email', @enabled. Once finished, define a step with Execute_SQL as a command and select the query you added in Subject7 as well as your DB Connection (You will need to edit the DB Connection to include your own database parameters: Username/Hostname/Vendor, etc). Your steps will look like this:
