"WRITE" Command

"WRITE" Command

Description: This command writes a message/list on the screen which is specified in the Messages field and can also be shown in the reports. It can also write a a message/list to a file and provides a URL that you can copy/use to download the file.

Usage Scenario: Suppose we want to write a message once the test case checks visibility of existing friend requests on our Reference app.

Procedure: Define your step and set the message “The user does not have any friend requests” which is written if no friend requests are found in Followers page. Your steps will look like this:


See the Test Library path: subject7_samples/subject7_intermediate_suite/subject7_approve_incoming_requests_all_in_one

The video following video demonstrates how a message was printed as part of execution of “subject7_approve_incoming_requests_all_in_one” test case in “subject7_samples” folder. Since the followers list has some requests, allowing the test to continue would skip the Print step, therefore Decline All was clicked in order to skip the first part of the statement and execute the Print step.


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