

Description: This command changes a value in the Message field to uppercase or lowercase and assigns the value in a variable.
Usage Scenario: Suppose we want to change the first and last names in our Reference app profile to uppercase letters.

Procedure: Define locators to retrieve the first and last names from our Reference app using Get_Web_Value with “Text” and define steps to change the case on them using Change_Case command. Then use Fill command where Value takes the variables from the Change_Case steps. Your steps will look like this:


See the Test Library path: subject7_samples/subject7_advanced_suite/subject7_modify_profile_information

The following video demonstrates how the First Name and Last Name are retrieved using Get_Web_Value command, changed to Uppercase letters and filled again in their original text boxes. This is part of execution of “subject7_modify_profile_information” test case in “subject7_samples” folder:

Reference App


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