Generic Command Options (Runtime Options)

Generic Command Options (Runtime Options)

All Subject7 commands have the runtime options below which control the way steps behave during execution:


1- Halt on Failure: This runtime option is checked by default. It is used to indicate that the step is mandatory of the entire test case to proceed and if this step fails, the entire test case will fail.

For example: The image below shows a step tasked with filling Reference email text box with “test@subject-7.com”. Notice that the default option (Halt on Failure) is selected. If Subject7 is unable to find this text box, both the step and test case will fail.


The image below shows that the test case has completely stopped executing because of the failure on the third step.


Clicking More will show you the encountered error:


2- Continue on Failure: If the command fails, it does not fail the test case and continues to the next step in the test case. This will be a fail_skip status with an orange check mark.

For example: The image below shows a step tasked with filling Reference email text box with “test@subject-7.com”. Notice that the option (Continue on Failure) is selected. If Subject7 is unable to find this text box, the test case will continue moving to the next step.


The caption of the step changes when the other options than the default are selected. For example:


The image below shows that the test case continued to execute step 4 even though step 3 did not pass (but was marked with fail_skip):



3- Continue with Pass Status: If the command passes or fails, this runtime option will show that the test case passed regardless of the status of that command. This will be indicated with a green check mark.

For example: The image below shows a step tasked with filling Reference email text box with “test@subject-7.com”. Notice that the option (Continue with Pass Status) is selected. If Subject7 is unable to find this text box, the test case will continue moving to the next step and mark the failed step as Passed.


The caption of the step changes when the other options than the default are selected. For example:


The image below shows that the test case continued to execute step 4 even though step 3 did not pass (but was marked with pass):




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