Project Permissions

Project Permissions

Project Permissions are used to specify which users/groups of users have privilege to access a project and add assets there. ‘Common’ is the only project that does not have permission configuration since everyone has access to it. In order to create groups, please refer to User & Group Management .

General Rules:

  • 'Common' is the only project that does not have permission configuration since everyone has access to it.

  • In addition to the scope of the current project each user can see assets and artifacts that belong to the common project. For example: being on current project 'Project_A' users can see artifacts and assets that belong to 'Project_A' and 'Common' projects.


1- Select the project for which you would like to add users/groups by clicking on it (anything except Common)

2- Click Permissions tab


3- You will see 3 tabs: Users, Groups and Pools.


4- To add only specific users to a project without using groups, you can use Users tab. Click the highlighted icon above in order to add the users to the project.

5- Click on the checkbox next to the users and click Add.

6- All set. Now only the users that were added to this project can access it.

7- To add groups, click Groups tab.

8- Click the highlighted icon above to add a group

9- Select the group(s) you would like to add and click Add. In order to create groups, please refer to User & Group Management .

10- In order to control which pools the project can use, click Pools tab.

11- If you would like to have this project use all available pools, keep “Use All Available Pools” checked.

12- If you would like to define only specific pools, uncheck “Use All Available Pools” and click Add pool icon highlighted below.

13- Select the pool(s) and click Add