Load Results

This report shows you all test plan executions in reporting view:




  1. To filter the load test executions, click on the Add Filter dropdown list shown below:


2. Select an option from the dropdown list

3. Select an option or enter a value depending on the selected filter. The load execution listing will get filtered down based on the filter selection. An example of an applied filter is shown below:

4. To remove the effect of only one filter, click the x right next to the filter such as the one shown above. To remove all filters together, you can click the Reset Filters link.


Column Selection

You can control how many columns appear by clicking on the Gear icon highlighted below:



  1. You can add comments to your load executions to include any information you need. To do so, select a load execution and click Comment icon:

2. Enter your comment and click Save & Close

3. After saving, you will notice a Comment under State column.

Match Case checkbox is available next to the filter. If not used, search will be case insensitive.