Export/Import a Folder

Export/Import a Folder

An admin user can export a folder with all of its associated assets from one account and import it to another account. To do this, follow the steps below:

1- Go to Test Library
2- Select a folder to be exported
3- Click Export < Export to Zip and you will be asked whether or not to export the Data Sets you selected in the test case (A .zip file gets generated)


4- Go to Test Library of the other account
5- Click on Import button


6- Select the .zip file that has been created as a result of export operation earlier

7- Select the options and on conflict actions in your Library Structure as below:


Create: creates folders and suites as in the import file

All Suites in Folder: when this option is selected, the user is prompted to select the Folder in which all Suites and Test Cases will be saved

All Tests to Suite: when this option is selected, the user is prompted to select the Suite in which all Test Cases will be saved 


On Conflict Actions:


Create new:  create new folder/suite with name+postfix

Reuse: use an existing folder/suite



Keep Both: create new object with name+postfix

Override: fill old object with new values

Skip: skip importing an object and use the old one instead


8- Click on Import button.



This function is only available for admin users.


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