Uploading/Importing DataSets

Uploading/Importing DataSets

Uploading Data Sets in one Data Template

You can upload datasets by going to the data template and opening the dataset. Then, you can use the Upload link to upload a collection of datasets in CSV file format.

Create a new file to upload into Subject7 and save it as CSV format. The first column will be used as a dataset name in Subject7, so you need to make sure this is a universal name which has not been used in the platform before. The following is an example of a file that includes 2 dataset names (rebecca_production_user and jamie_production_user) and their usernames and passwords are specified in columns B and C.

For best results when your dataset includes encoded characters, please save the file as CSV UTF-8

You will be prompted to replace the existing values if the dataset name is the same. You can either click Yes or No.

Your datasets will be uploaded as below. Notice that the default dataset which was automatically generated is still visible. You can remove it, but first you must select another dataset as the default one.

In order to set another dataset as a default one, simply click on the checkbox next to it and click Default.


You can upload data sets using REST API by navigating to:


Uploading Multiple Data Sets into Multiple Data Templates

If you have a large amount of data (in .csv files) that you need to upload as datasets into multiple data templates, you can use the Multiple DataSets feature by following steps below:

1- In Data Templates, select the data templates where you would like to upload multiple datasets by clicking on the checkbox next to each template.

2- Click Import Data Sets from the toolbar.

3- A popup window will appear. Click Select files(s) to select files from your device. 

4- Note that the first column of the file must include a unique name for the dataset reserved in Subject7, the remaining columns will be inserted into the fields you created in the data template.

5- Once you select all the needed files, now it is time to organize where each data file will go into which data template to be uploaded as a dataset. You can do that as below:

                A- If you have a data file for each data template, simply select the data template where each data file will go.

                B- If you have many data files which will go into different data templates, upload all data files, select the first batch of data files, select the default data template for them from the “Default Template” field and then click Apply Default. Select the second batch of data files and select their default data template as before.

6- When finished organizing, click Import and the data sets will get imported directly into the data templates. You will be prompted to overwrite data sets if they already exist inside the templates you are uploading.

7- If you have dataset names that are repeated in other data templates, an error message will appear to let you know that you need to rename them in the files or rename the already existing datasets.

8- Once uploading is complete, you can delete the default dataset entered by the system and set another one as your default.

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