Create a Load Set

In order to create a new Load Set, follow the steps below:

1- Click Add while on Load Sets tab. You can select Folder to create a folder to organize your load sets. To create a new Load Set, select Load Set.


2- This will open the Load Set window, where you can create your new load set. Enter a Name for your load set and select Pool, Browser type, number of Virtual Users, Ramp up Time, and Run Period as shown below (Standard Settings). 

  • For Browsers, it's best to use Headless which is the default option. Chrome is available for troubleshooting purposes to compare behavior with Headless, but should only be used with low virtual user count.

  • Virtual Users controls how many virtual users will be running simultaneously to execute your test cases. Please make sure that VM Capacity field on Account Preferences has a sufficient value so that the each virtual machine can operate properly with the number of virtual users on your load set. Refer to Account Preferences for more information.

  • The Ramp-up Period controls how long it takes to ramp-up to the full number of virtual users selected. If 10 virtual users are selected and the ramp-up is 100, it will take 100 seconds to get all 10 virtual users up and running. Each virtual user will start 10 seconds after the previous virtual user. 

    • In short, the equation is: Ramp-up time/virtual users = seconds per 1 virtual user

    • Ramp-up period is automatically generated as 3 seconds per 1 virtual user.

  • Run Period controls how long the load set will continue to execute if you would like your load set to be time-based. For example, to run the load set for a period of 5 minutes, you can add 300 seconds to Run Period field.

3- If you would like to schedule your load set, you can use Schedule Maker, Start Date, and End Date to do so. This is similar to scheduling your cloud runs through Subject7 Execution Set function.

4- Additionally, if you would like to receive notification when a load set is completed, you can do so by providing a list of email addresses under Notifications/Email List in the picture below. The e-mail includes logs, selected data sets, failed step number, failed step, and reason for failure(s).


Ramp up time is automatically configured based on the number of virtual users but this value can be manually modified.



For Chrome users, the number of virtual users does not allow values more than 20 per load testing session.

Test Case Selection: to select the desired test cases from the Test Library on the left and drag them to the Selected test cases panel on the right and click Save as shown below:

Browser Settings: you can specify any parameters you prefer to the load set before starting it. 

Emulator Settings: Set the type of device to be used for web-based emulation next to Chrome Device Emulator.


For best performance, we recommend to use the following parameters next to Headless:

chromeOptions=["--start-maximized", "--ignore-certificate-errors","--headless=new", "--disable-extensions", "--disable-translate", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-gpu", "--enable-automation", "--disable-logging", "--disable-infobars", "--disable-dev-shm-usage", "--disable-browser-side-navigation", "--disable-features=VizDisplayCompositor"]