"LOOP_END" Command

"LOOP_END" Command

Description: This command is used to end an existing Loop cycle.

Usage Scenario: Suppose we want to end our loop that adds users to the blacklist on Reference app after blocking 4 users in the loop so that once the loop is finished, the next step(s) can start.

Procedure: Once you define your starting Loop step and steps to take action in the loop, add a step with Loop_End command. After that, you can add any steps you like for the test case to execute. Your steps will look like this:

See the Test Library path: subject7_samples/subject7_advanced_suite/subject7_add_user_to_blacklist

The following video demonstrates how loop is used to add users to black list and ends once the final count is reached. This is as part of execution of “subject7_add_user_to_blacklist” test case in “subject7_samples” folder:


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