Adding Execution Results for a Manual Test Case
You can add execution results for your manual test case by navigating to Steps tab (saved test) and clicking the + Add results icon shown below:
Then provide the actual results for each step, browser types (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE, Safari or Headless), additional comments, attachments or Test data.
After finishing, click Save icon on the top right
Once the manual test case execution results are saved, you can look at the details of the results by clicking on the View results icon shown below:
Then, you will be routed to the following page where you can view the entire execution history of your manual test case by clicking on the arrow on the left side:
When adding the manual test case results, if the entire test case is being marked as PASS, all individual steps are marked as PASS. As individual steps of the test case are being marked as PASS or FAIL, the test case status automatically gets updated to PASS or FAIL accordingly
To export the manual test case results, click on the Export icon and choose Export to XLSX or Export to PDF links. If no specific results are selected, all results will be selected and exported.