1. To filter the SSH Connections listing on the SSH Connections page, click on the Add Filter dropdown list shown below:
2. The following options will appear.
3. Select the the filter you would like to apply on the SSH Connections listing and then provide the value for that type of filter and click somewhere else or use Tab on your keyboard. The SSH Connections listing will get filtered down based on the filter selection. An example of an applied filter is shown below:
4. To add another filter in addition to the existing one, click on Add Filter dropdown list again and perform the same steps.
5. To remove the effect of only one filter, click the x right next to the filter such as the one shown below. To remove all filters together, you can click the Reset filters icon.
6. If you would like to use the classic filters, click on the icon shown below:
7. To filter the SSH Connections listing on the SSH Connections page using classic filter, click on the Add Filter icon shown below:
8. After clicking on the Add Filter link, the following popup window will appear:
Select the checkbox next to each type of filter you would like to apply on the SSH connection listing and then provide the value for that type of filter and click on Apply button. The SSH connection listing will get filtered down based on the filter selection. An example of an applied filter is shown below:
To remove the effect of only one filter, click the x right next to the filter such as the one shown above. To remove all filters together, you can click the Reset button.
In case you entered extra spaces in the search text, filters will automatically remove them. |
A case sensitive checkbox is added to the filter page, otherwise search will be case insensitive. |