In order to create a new automated Test Case, navigate to the Test Suite where you would like this Test Case to be a part of and follow the steps below:

1- Click on New Test Case and click on Automated.

2- Specify a Name, Keywords and Comments for your Test Case.

3- Click on the Hide Test Case Info button to hide the test case info and start adding commands.

4- Click on the drop-down list under the Play button to add your commands and set your command options. Alternatively, you can also click on the box and enter keywords that will bring up the commands you need. Example: keyword "Timing" brings up [Set_Timeout] / [Wait] commands.

5- If you entered a command in error and you want to remove it and select another one, click on the x next to the command.

6- To delete an entire step, click on trash can icon.

7- To add a comment/description on individual steps, click on the Comment icon next to the command, enter your comment and click OK. These comments are saved with the test case and will be included any exported report.

8- To add another step, click on the up/down arrows as highlighted below. The up arrow will allow you to add a step before the one you are working on and the down arrow will add a step after it.

9- To view the details of a step, you can either click on the arrow next to the step or click on the command text as highlighted below:

Notice that there is a red "Not Saved" label to indicate that your progress needs to be saved. In case you saved and made more changes, this red icon will appear once more. If you close the edit tab without saving, a confirmation popup is presented to confirm closing.

10- Click on Save icon to save your test case. Once saved, your newly defined Test Case will appear in the Test Case list.

11- You can click on Advanced View icon to get to the editors mode as opposed to wizard mode to make all your edits to the Test Case.

12-SeeĀ Advanced View page for more details and practice example.

Test cases in a suite can be visually ordered.

Automated test case creation date/last update times use the users' local time