Uploading Data Sets in one Data Template
You can upload a Data Set using a .CSV file by clicking on the Upload button after data sets by going to the data template and opening the data set of the template:
To create a new CSV file and upload it into Subject7, you can enter data on a new spreadsheet to match the columns as you see in Subject7.
Your images will be uploaded to the data set as below. Click Save once you finish uploading.
. Then, you can use the Upload link to upload a collection of data sets in CSV file format.
Create a new file to upload into Subject7 and save it as CSV format. The first column will be used as a data set name in Subject7, so you need to make sure this is a universal name which has not been used in the platform before. The following is an example of a file that includes 2 data set names (rebecca_production_user and jamie_production_user) and their usernames and passwords are specified in columns B and C.
Your data sets will be uploaded as below. Notice that the default data set which was automatically generated is still visible. You can remove it, but first you must select another data set as the default one.
In order to set another data set as a default one, simply click on the checkbox next to it and click Default.
Uploading Multiple Data Sets into Multiple Data Templates